Duty Manager Introduction evening
Thu 2 November, 6.30pm
At Impact Dance we are looking to expand our team of Duty Managers to help support our world class studios.
We hire our professional studio facilities to a range of high profile clients in the heart of London’s West End. Our Duty Managers provide an essential service welcoming TV and film production companies, musicians, actors and dancers to our state of the art space.
We are looking for individuals who are available for ad hoc work in this fast paced environment. To find out more about this opportunity we are opening our studio on Thu 2 November to welcome any prospective Duty Managers to view our facilities and discover more about the role.
The evening will consist of a tour of the studios and an introduction to the processes involved in the role.
Successful applicants will:
- provide a reliable service with a high level of customer care
- ensure a smooth and efficient experience for all clients
- be responsible for the safety and security of Impact Dance facilities
- be conscientious, punctual, professional and trustworthy.
The renumeration is £10 – £13 per hour
To attend this introductory evening please send your expression of interest along with a current CV to kim@impactdance.co.uk